How the fund works

How the fund works

Objectives supported by the fund

She studies the submitted projects, follows up on the implementation of the funded projects and their evaluations, in addition to marketing the fund and working to attract investments/donations under the supervision of the Executive Director, Mrs. Amira Al-Rifai.

The Egyptian Company for Management Services in the field of investment funds Servfund records all daily transactions up to the daily evaluation of the price of the fund's document, as well as keeping records of policyholders and sending reports on a quarterly basis to fund's policyholders (pay donors).

It includes various specializations, most of them are independent members, and it sets priorities for directing funds and monitoring the implementation of projects (volunteers).

Revenues/investments are directed to NGOs and government institutions that are selected by the Fund to implement projects to serve people with disabilities in various fields, according to the Fund's vision.

On a quarterly basis, the Fund's accounts are audited by the United Audit Office and the BDO Khaled & Partners Office and the required reports are submitted. (paid donors)

They are the donating investors in the fund, and they meet annually to review and give opinions on funded projects

Azimut Company, one of the first financial institutions to manage funds and portfolios in the region, manages the fund's investment portfolio (donating remuneration) and works on making investment decisions and following up and diversifying investments in order to achieve appropriate returns under acceptable risks. It manages about 8 billion Egyptian pounds for various Egyptian, Arab and international institutions.

Supervises and monitors the Fund's compliance with the laws and decisions regulating the activity and its compliance with the required disclosures and what is stipulated in the Articles of Association.


(funds of investors & donors)

Financial Regulatory Authority

Board of Directors

Most of them have different specialties
It is an independent member
Determine routing priorities
Funds and oversight
Project implementation

Investment Management

Azimut company, one of
The first financial institutions in
Funds management and portfolios
securities in the region,
You manage a portfolio
Fund investments
(paid donor) and working on
Make investment decisions
Follow up on investments
And diversify it with the aim of achieving
Appropriate returns under risk
acceptable. It manages about 8 billion
Egyptian pounds for different
Egyptian and Arab institutions
and global.

Fund management services

The Egyptian Company for Management Services in the field of investment funds Servfund records all daily transactions up to the daily evaluation of the price of the fund’s document, as well as keeping records of policyholders and sending reports on a quarterly basis to fund’s policyholders (pay donors).

You study projects
Introduction, and follow-up implementation
Funded projects
and their evaluations
In addition to marketing
Fund and work to attract
Investments/donations under
supervision of the executive director,
Mrs. Amira Al-Rifai.

funded entities

Revenues/investments are directed to NGOs and government institutions that are selected by the Fund to implement projects to serve people with disabilities in various fields, according to the Fund’s vision.

monitoring the accounts

It is done on a quarterly basis
United Office Road
For review and Khaled’s office
and Associates Audit
Fund and reporting
Required (paid donor).

General Authority for financial control

Supervise and monitor compliance
Fund by law
and decisions organizing the activity
and its compliance with the disclosures
required and as stipulated
Primary law

Documents Holders

They are the investors
donors in the fund
They meet annually for information
and give an opinion on
Funded projects

الإدارة التنفيذية

تقوم بدراسة المشروعات المقدمة، و متابعة تنفيذ المشروعات الممولة والتقييمات الخاصة بها بالإضافة إلى التسويق للصندوق والعمل على جذب الاستثمارات/ التبرعات تحت إشراف المدير التنفيذي، أ/ أميرة الرفاعي.