Explanation of the steps in developing the rights of persons with disabilities in Egypt:
- Definition of Persons with Disabilities in Law No. 10 of 2018: Persons with disabilities are defined as individuals who have a total or partial impairment or deficiency, whether physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory, if the impairment or deficiency is stable and prevents them from fully and effectively participating in society and enjoying equal opportunities with others, due to various barriers.
- According to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, as of 2017, 67% of Egyptians aged 5 years and above have disabilities ranging from mild to severe.
- The term “persons with disabilities” is used instead of terms like “people of determination” or “special abilities.” This term was chosen based on the designations mentioned in the international convention and the Egyptian law “Rights of Persons with Disabilities,” issued in 2018.