A project to prepare and develop schools to receive and integrate students with visual disabilities

A project to prepare and develop schools to receive and integrate students with visual disabilities


مدرسة ابتدائية وإعدادية وثانوية


كوادر المتخصصة من المعلمين والمعلمات

  • Preparing, establishing and developing 45 primary, preparatory and secondary schools to receive and integrate blind and visually impaired students with visual disabilities in the governorates of Cairo and Assiut by providing effective and sustainable integration mechanisms and enabling them to study like their peers of students without disabilities and developing their technological skills.
  • 10 schools in Cairo Governorate are equipped with comprehensive and integrated model resource rooms equipped with all tools, teaching aids and aids necessary to serve and integrate all types of disabilities.
  • While 35 schools are equipped with resource rooms equipped with all tools, teaching aids and visual aids for the use of students with visual disabilities in Assiut Governorate.
  • A number of 105 specialized cadres of teachers assigned within the targeted schools of the Ministry of Education were trained on visual disabilities, orientation and movement.
  • Raising the awareness of 750 parents of students with and without disabilities and 4,500 students without disabilities of the importance of the integration process, as well as 560 general teachers, specialists, administrators, workers, and 140 education officials about the right to integrate students with visual disabilities within the educational and school community, how to deal with integrated students with visual disabilities, their special needs, and the necessary adjustments in school activities.

“My son was accepted at school with his sighted friends, he will be taught school subjects using all necessary means, and no longer will he be isolated in his own bubble, not anymore”

Father of a boy named Muhammad

5 years old – Blind student at Al-Salam Advanced School in Assiut Governorate