Rehabilitation and education project for hearing impaired children project
- A unified and accredited rehabilitation and educational program has been developed nationwide for hearing-impaired children using hearing aids and cochlear implants to teach them language and speech in preparation for their entry into school. This curriculum has been adopted by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Social Solidarity to cover the first 8 years of a child’s life from the period of use of the hearing aid (the child’s linguistic age) until the acquisition of language and speech skills.
- A guide has been developed for the teacher and specialist explaining the activities necessary for rehabilitation, and an assessment tool for the child to measure auditory and language skills.
- 122 teachers were trained to rehabilitate and integrate children with hearing impairments in 83 schools in Cairo and Giza and 90 specialists working with hearing-impaired children in 32 associations from 14 governorates on the curriculum, guide, and assessment tool. Hard copies of the programme were delivered and distributed to the trainees.
- Awareness workshops were conducted for parents on family counselling, including introducing the rights of hearing-impaired children and cochlear implants and the importance of the rehabilitation and education system in a number of governorates.