Parent of the child Mohammed 5 years – a blind student at Al-Salam Advanced School in Assiut Governorate

Parent of the child Mohammed 5 years – a blind student at Al-Salam Advanced School in Assiut Governorate

Parent of the child Mohammed 5 years – a blind student at Al-Salam Advanced School in Assiut Governorate


"My son was accepted at school with his sighted friends, he will be taught school subjects using all the necessary means, no longer will he be isolated in his own bubble, not anymore"

Parent of the child Mohammed 5 years - a blind student at Al-Salam Advanced School in Assiut Governorate

From the project of welcoming and advanced schools in cooperation with the Integration Association for People with Disabilities for Community Development in Assiut.



من مشروع "مدارس مرحبة ومتطورة بالتعاون مع جمعية الدمج لذوي الإعاقة لتنمية المجتمع بأسيوط