Thaubsa’s mother in Sohag

Thaubsa’s mother in Sohag

Thaubsa’s mother in Sohag


"My daughter's name is Thaubsa. The name is not widely known, and many people are surprised by it, but this is the name of a saint whom I love her story because she was strong, courageous and patient. Thaubsa, my youngest child, is 11 years old and has intellectual disability, brain electricity, and mild muscular atrophy. When they tested her on an IQ scale, she came out 55%, and so she entered the intellectual school when she was in the third grade. She didn't know how to speak and she had a problem with movement, her leg was a little twisted and I thought that this is the creation of our Lord and she will live all her life like that; I was annoyed when someone used to say about my daughter a fool and I used to tell them that I my daughter was not a fool, but of course no one believed me.

When the center opened in the village and I found many people take their children there, I took Thawbsa and went and started physiotherapy and rehabilitation sessions, and after each session the teacher used to tell me what to do with her at home until the next session. My daughter is now walking next to me carrying her things in her hands and is happy that she is going to the session. She is also participating in the sports activities, which they do. This may seem to be normal, but for me it is a great achievement. There is no youth center in the country, but they are very good with playgrounds and the resort of Aboutrika playing with other children who do not have disabilities. They're all in the same playground.

Thaubsa told me that she wants to learn swimming only when they open a youth center in the country. This is a simple need for many mothers, but the meaning is that my daughter hopes to learn many things, which proves that my daughter is a fool.  Even at the center here, they told me that she was ready to enter a public school now and continue her education there. The center in our village has changed our life. I am the happiest person to have this center in our village. We pray to have such a center everywhere so that our children can find those who help them live their lives while they are self-reliant in everything and find a place in the community that loves them and makes them better."


من مشروع وحدات التأهيل المرتكز على المجتمع بالتعاون مع مركز سيتي، كاريتاس.